Pink Grapefruit Gin by Pickering

Pickering ginThis is a summer winner. Pickering’s Pink Grapefruit and Lemongrass Gin Liqueur is complex and surprisingly refreshing for a drink that describes itself as a liqueur.

Gin is trending at the moment. That can be a good thing as it exposes lovers of that spirit to a greater range of styles … but there are also a few distillers who miss the mark when it comes to crafting their products. Pickering’s falls into the category of a job-well-done when it comes to this unique liqueur.

Pickering’s Pink Grapefruit and Lemongrass Gin Liqueur offers the expected alcohol impact, but it’s the tang of grapefruit which elevates this above other fruity spirits. The citrus cuts through the sweetness, offering a taste of summer, with an agreeable pink blush and a suspicion of sharpness. The hint of lemongrass adds another level of subtle exotic flavour.

Pickering’s Pink Grapefruit and Lemongrass Gin Liqueur is delightful served over ice and slowly sipped under a garden parasol.  It is also perfect as a summer cocktail when presented topped off with chilled prosecco or cava. Garnish with a little segment of pink grapefruit or even a spiral of pink grapefruit zest.

This contains real fruit. I would suggest drinking this as soon as possible to enjoy Pickering’s Pink Grapefruit and Lemongrass Gin Liqueur at its best. It may change colour in sunlight or over time, so keep in a cool dark place. The gin base is distilled at Summerhall Distillery in Edinburgh.

Learn more about Pickering’s products here