How to raise a loaf and fall in love with sourdough

sourdoughHas it something to do with the lockdown? Seems like everybody is baking and a few are showing off their latest sourdough loaf. There is no need to feel left behind as How to raise a loaf and fall in love with sourdough is a book penned to give assistance to the novice who might not even own a stand mixer with a dough hook!

How to raise a loaf and fall in love with sourdough is a book one might not need on a daily basis, but it has been an indispensable aid to this breadmaker. In the past I have stuck to the regular fluffy white bread, although I am a lover of sourdough. I had a go at making it a long time ago, but the starter did nothing apart from smelling bad.

Still more starter for future loaves

The aforementioned starter is the key reason to buy this book. I followed instructions and found myself the owner of a bubbly, pleasantly smelling pot of that which makes sourdough bread so loved. It’s a process that the eager baker only has to undertake once. The starter is partially used, then ‘fed’ to offer still more starter for future loaves. It’s said that some sourdough starters have been around in North America since the days of the Gold Rush in 1849!

You don’t need to be an expert baker to make your own sourdough at home. This book will tell you what’s needed for those who are hands-on and don’t own a mixer. The book makes the key techniques of traditional baking easy to understand, with step-by-step photo instructions.

How to raise a loaf and fall in love with sourdough is a book to have on hand while making that starter – and then it’s onto kneading, waiting, and baking. There are recipes here for using different types of flour. It’s a slightly different process from making a hand-made regular white loaf but it’s a delicious habit to acquire. I am now a sourdough-baking convert.


How to raise a loaf and fall in love with sourdough
Author: Roly Allen
Publisher: Laurence King Publishing
Price: £12.99
ISBN-13: 978-1786275783