Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – recipe

Sounds like a bit of a mouthful – Federweisser und Zwiebelkuchen – and indeed it is: a delicious mouthful …and glassful.

Federweisser is German for feather white and refers to the cloudy wine which is still fermenting (although that wine has a hint of yellow about it). The prospect of sipping a still-fermenting wine might seem alarming, in fact the reality is delightful. This “new wine” alcohol content must be at least 4 per cent, but can get up to 10 per cent. It’s refreshing, light, gives one the sense of drinking a fruity sparkling wine… and it is positively addictive!

Federweisser needs a companion and it is traditionally served with Zwiebelkuchen which is an onion tart, usually offered in substantial portions.



by Chrissie Walker


German onion tart 1 roll commercial all-butter shortcrust pastry (I have also used hot-water-crust pastry)
4 medium onions, sliced
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
4 bacon slices, diced
Small tub (about 300ml) sour cream
3 eggs, beaten
½ – 1 tsp caraway seeds (authentic but optional)
Salt and pepper
A little oil for frying



Pre-heat the oven to 175°C.

Line a large lightly-greased quiche pan with the dough, and prick the pastry with a fork. Cover with baking parchment and weigh down with rice or baking beans. Bake for 15 minutes.

Fry the bacon in a little oil over medium heat until the fat runs. Add onions and garlic, and sauté until caramelized.

In a medium bowl, mix together cream, eggs, caraway seeds and seasoning. Add the bacon and onions and mix again.

Spread the mixture over the pastry. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and continue baking till the custard is just set.

You will likely not be able to find Federweisser unless you live in Germany, so choose a good well-chilled Riesling to enjoy with your onion tart.

Travel through wine-producing regions of Germany with Riviera Travel.


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Recipe by Chrissie Walker © 2018