Kwai Feh Lychee Liqueur leaps to the aid of the party

Drink dressed to the nines

If you are looking for enticing and celebratory drinks for the festive season or for any special occasion, these fabulous concoctions could be what you craved without knowing it. These are made with Kwai Feh Lychee Liqueur, the astonishingly different drink that captures the taste of fresh lychee fruits.

No occasion is so sparkling that it can’t benefit from a touch of extra glamour.

For celebrations, champagne alone used to be fine. Now, we need some celebratory sparkle to make the party fizz. Step forward Kwai Feh, a newly discovered drink dressed to the nines, in pink.

First on the cocktail menu, Kwai Feh stars in a sparkling, rosé confection of a cocktail called the Fujian Royale. Easy to make and stunning in taste and appearance, this could just become your new signature cocktail for celebrations.

Next up, perhaps later in the evening, is a dessert. Or is it a cocktail? Who cares? All we know is that it’s as glorious as it looks. The Lychee Champagne Dessert Cocktail is adorned with ice-cream; looks fiendishly impressive; and yet is simple to assemble.

Fujian Royale Recipe

Glassware: Champagne Flute


35mls of Stoli Rasberi

20mls of Kwai Feh Lychee

1 dash of Absinthe (La Fee)

Dry Champagne (Rosé Champagne is ideal)

Garnish: 1 Grapefruit Twist


Stir all the liquid ingredients (except the Champagne) over ice, then strain into a flute. Top with Champagne. Garnish with the grapefruit twist.


The Lychee Champagne Dessert Cocktail 

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Glassware: Champagne Coupette


10mls Luxardo Sour Cherry Gin

20mls Kwai Feh Lychee Liquor

10mls fresh grapefruit Juice

Dry Champagne (Rosé Champagne is ideal)

1 tablespoon of cherry gelato

Optional garnish: Luxardo Maraschino cherries


Flash shake all ingredients (except the Champagne & gelato) with ice, then strain into a coupette, add the cherry gelato and then top up with Champagne (this should be poured over the gelato to create an almost bubble bath like appearance). Serve with a spoon and a straw.

This contemporary liqueur is low in alcohol (20% ABV) and low in price at just around £25.50 RRP. It’s available from Ocado and other good drinks retailers.

This is made by the liqueur experts, De Kuyper, renowned for Cherry Heering and other delicious classics. Kwai Feh is an exciting discovery, named after Lady Yang Kwai Feh and distinguished by its unusual, 70cl pink glass bottle.

Unlike some quirky cocktail ingredients that cost a fortune and only lend themselves to one serve, meaning that they languish after that first use, Kwai Feh is something you’ll return to as it’s great as an after-dinner drink, served slightly chilled. or serve simply with lemonade.