500 Juices and Smoothies by Christine Watson – review

500 Juices and Smoothies Apple Press has a series of books called 500 something or other and this is one from that very series. They are chunky and colourful volumes and always great value for money. 500 Juices and Smoothies is written by Christine Watson who trained at Leith’s School of Food and Wine and she now works as a food writer and stylist.

This book has a wealth of recipes (well, 500 in fact) and they fall into various categories. There are simple smoothies and boozy blends, health tonics and thick and frosty mixes, but lots more. They couldn’t be easier to prepare so you have no excuse for not indulging. They are quick to make and portable as well.

We all need our “5 a day” and that’s a target that is sometimes difficult to achieve. I have a friend who says that red wine and crisps count as two but you could easily collect some of those five in the form of juices and smoothies…or you could munch away at a pile of Brussels sprouts!

You’ll need a few bits of equipment to be able to produce the best texture of smoothie or juice but Christine explains what you need and why. Then just add fruit and veggies with some other inexpensive ingredients and you’re off. This isn’t “cooking” so you see and taste the results in seconds.

The Health Tonics are what lots of us are interested in. Something to do us good with no E numbers or extra sugar. Maxi “C” gives a bit of a boost when you feel a cold coming on. There’s a Cold Remedy for those of you who didn’t drink the Maxi “C” in time, and a Digestion Smoothie which is a nasty name for a delicious, fibre-rich and healthy drink.

OK, so there are a few smoothies and shakes that are more for dessert than health but you can drink these when you are on your own. How about a Chocolate Marshmallow Cloud Shake or a Peanut Butter and Jam Smoothie! My favourite is probably Amaretto and Apricot Boozy Smoothie. Not for every day but what a treat!

Christine Watson has amassed a tempting list of mostly healthy and always delicious drinks that are made in moments. Buy this book and you’ll keep the blender out on the counter.

500 Juices and Smoothies
Author: Christine Watson
Published by: Apple Press
Price: £9.99
ISBN 978-1-84543-261-4


Cookbook review by Chrissie Walker © 2018


See more books by Christine Watson here