Posts Tagged “Janice Wong”

Perfection in Imperfection by Janice Wong – review

Perfection in Imperfection by Janice Wong – review

I first met Chef Janice Wong at her deliciously unique dessert bar in Singapore in the early hours. It’s called, unsurprisingly, 2am: dessertbar. It’s a showcase for this talented lady and offers a flavour of this, her literary debut. Janice looks even younger than her young years but she has packed a lot into less…

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It’s ‘Dim Sum’ but more – by Janice Wong – review

It’s ‘Dim Sum’ but more – by Janice Wong – review

Janice Wong has the accolade of Asia’s no.1 Pastry Chef. Well, we all know what famous chefs are like. Ego-driven, imposing hulks with loud voices, periodically rude, consistently condescending, care-worn complexions, prematurely aged, and supremely talented. Perhaps we should have a rethink, a pause in our assumptions, put a hold on swift conclusions. Chef Janice…

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