Lily O’Brien’s Collections for End-of-Term Thank You’s

Lily O'briensIt will soon be the end of the school summer term for kids across the UK. What better gift than some superb chocolates for that hard-working teacher? My favourites are Lily O’Brien’s Collections.

We are spoilt for choice when it comes to chocolate. There are bars and buttons for kids and superb chocolatey works of edible art in boutique chocolate emporia for adults with more discerning tastes. But what about those of us who love fine chocolates but don’t have unlimited cash?

Boutique quality

Lily O’Brien’s Collections for End of Term Thank You’s presents a solution to some gift-giving dilemmas. One wants something rather special to give to one’s child’s educational guiding light, but splashing silly money isn’t a realistic option. These chocolates have that boutique quality that is usually only found when one purchases individual chocolates at exorbitant prices.

The Ultimate Collection and The Dessert Collection are outstanding. They offer great selections of chocolates and in lovely packages. They look smart and high-end and that’s exactly what they are.  There is a chocolate for every taste and all of them have unique flavour combinations.

Lily O’Brien’s Collections are perfect for the start of summer and will be sure to charm any teacher, but they make perfect gifts at any time.

Learn more about Lily O’Brien here


Read more reviews of Lily O’Brien’s chocolates here