Food and Cooking of Greece

Seasonal recipes from my kitchen.

Rena Salaman Food and Cooking of GreeceGreek meals, whether enjoyed on a sunny Greek island or at home, are always special and comforting. Food and Cooking of Greece: Seasonal recipes from my kitchen presents familiar dishes and some that will likely be new to many of us.

Rena Salaman is a well-respected writer on Greek food. She was born and grew up in Athens which is where she evidently found her passion for Greek food and cooking. She still makes regular visits to Athens and to the islands.

Leafing through these beautifully photographed pages makes me want to return to Greece and taste these dishes in a shady taverna with blue and white-checked tablecloths and the sound of the sea lapping on the not-too-distant shore… But failing that I will content myself with making these plates at home, and they are a wonderful bunch.

Everything in Food and Cooking of Greece: Seasonal recipes from my kitchen is, for the most part, simple for any home cook outside Greece to achieve. The ingredients are easily had; the recipes are seasonal by chapter, so one can buy the best and cheapest vegetables to present delightful meals at any time of year. Plenty of items here will remind you of your favourite taverna a couple of summers ago – but Greeks eat all year round, so take a look at the cooler-weather fare too.

I have numerous Pick-of-the-book recipes, and those that I missed my husband ear-marked. There are classic favourites such as Stuffed Vegetables and Moussaka, and they are always crowd-pleasers. But hows about ringing the changes with Salt Cod, Potato and Olive Bake? Salt cod can be found in lots of larger supermarkets and fishmongers, and it’s well worth a try. I love its flavour and texture, which are different from fresh fish.

The Autumn offers Courgette and Potato Bake, and this recipe is not only delicious but a godsend to those of us who grow heaps of courgettes every summer. The Winter chapter suggests a hearty Beef Casserole with Baby Onions. Perfect for a dinner party. There are also sweet treats for every season, including cookies for Christmas.

Food and Cooking of Greece: Seasonal recipes from my kitchen is a winner. It revives holiday memories and tempts one into the kitchen. The perfect gift for any lover of Greece and its delicious food.

Food and Cooking of Greece: Seasonal recipes from my kitchen
Author: Rena Salaman
Published by: Lorenz Books
Price: £20.00
ISBN-13: 978-0754835455