Annabel Karmel Family Cookbook – review

Annabel KarmelThis book by Annabel Karmel is a bright, fun and charming volume that you will probably have to wrestle away from your little ones. The kids might not be doing all the cooking but it’s the kind of book that will fill them with lots of oooohh and aaahhs and “I’d like that, Mum”.

Annabel Karmel is an MBE and is the UK’s bestselling author on children’s nutrition but she is ever mindful that food has got to be fun or the little darlings will just not eat it. I should point out that not all the food is specifically and uniquely for the smaller members of the family. This is a family cookbook after all.

The chapter on Fussy Eaters will likely be the chapter that sells this book. Annabel gives plenty of advice that will help parents over that iffy stage when mealtimes are a battlefield of red faces and tightly closed little mouths. All is not lost as along with the sympathy there are tempting and healthy recipes that will hopefully have the youngsters tucking in.

The star of the book must be the No-Bake Train cake. This has surely got to be the most popular of all kitchen projects for mums and dads to enjoy with their children. It would be perfect for a party, with the guests constructing their own dessert from the assembled sweet goodies.

Finger food is irresistible and takes away the fear of meals. It’s not exactly encouraging children to play with food but it makes mealtime less stressful and a dish of raw fruit and veg with some tasty dip will be hard to pass up.

The adult food is lovely. Risotto Primavera is a good way to get vegetables into the whole family. Soup au Pistou is a traditional French soup with the taste of basil and Parmesan. Spring Chicken Casserole is lighter than the regular Coq au Vin and it’s ideal for the slightly warmer weather.

Talking of warm weather, you might fancy a picnic. Annabel has lots of sandwich ideas and some simple Mini Pizzas made with puff pastry, but the Apricot and White Chocolate Cereal Bars will be the ones you hide from the kids. They are too young to appreciate them.

Annabel Karmel Family Cookbook is full of ideas and inspiration for every member of your family, not only delicious food to eat but fun food to make.

Annabel Karmel Family Cookbook
Author: Annabel Karmel
Published by: Dennis Publishing
Price: £7.99
ISBN 1-906372-56-X


Cookbook review by Chrissie Walker © 2018