1070 Celebrating Jewish Soup & Sandwiches

1070 soup and sandwichesSo, what is 1070? A house number? A phone number? No, it’s actually a date. Jews first arrived in Britain in 1070 at the invitation of William the Conqueror, although the welcome mat was only out for a couple of hundred years. An Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I in 1290, expelling all Jews from England. The expulsion edict remained in force for the rest of the Middle Ages and until the days of Oliver Cromwell! Since their return the Jewish community has added so much to the gastronomic fabric of Britain, and 1070 Kitchen continues with that tradition.

I am not Jewish, but I do love Jewish food, and a company called 1070 Kitchen allows me to enjoy a little indulgence. Their Kosher foods are available at Selfridges, and they deliver, and they also cater events. They have a list of dishes and snacks, and they are happy to discuss personal requirements for your bespoke events.

This soup has all the attributes of home-made

I can recommend 1070 sandwiches, along with the celebrated Jewish Penicillin chicken soup. This soup has all the attributes of home-made. The broth is flavourful with tender but non-mushy vegetables. The matzo balls were delicate and well-seasoned. Big chunks of chicken made this soup a substantial lunch along with a sandwich.

Bagel and Lox is a classic, but variable. I love Montreal, but I dislike their dry bagels. I prefer the more pillowy New York style. The 1070 bagel was soft but still had that distinctive US chew. Plenty of salmon filling creating a moist sandwich. The Brick Lane might sound like a strange name for a Jewish sarnie: these days that area is known more for Bangladeshi curry than cured meat. But it was once a Jewish neighbourhood and this eponymous salt beef on rye sandwich is generous, hearty, traditional and addictive.

In the Food Hall of Selfridges, Oxford Street, you can find a wide range of the 1070 Kitchen kosher Jewish cuisine range including sandwiches, salad boxes, soups, charcuterie, deli pots and main courses, under the strict supervision of the London Beth Din using Glatt meat.

Lean more about 1070 Kitchen here


Read my other reviews of 1070 dishes here


Product review by Chrissie Walker © 2018